The Benefits of Neuropsych Testing

For those who struggle with a number of common cognitive conditions, a cognitive assessment can help to get the education accommodations that are needed. For conditions such as autism, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and dyslexia, testing accommodations and other educational accommodations can make success in the academic world all the more attainable. Getting a proper diagnosis is crucial, however, to correct treatment that is conducive for success. In order to ensure the verity of a diagnosis, a cognitive assessment is often recommended.

A cognitive assessment will be recommended for a child who is suspected to have ADHD. ADHD is commonly diagnosed in young children, and the age of first diagnosis is most commonly around seven years old. It is important to note, however, that ADHD is a lifelong condition, though many people (and unfortunately parents) are misinformed. Nearly half of all parents of children with such learning disabilities (including dyslexia) are under the impression that the condition with abate with age. This is far from true and if ADHD is left untreated in adulthood, it can lead to a number of other conditions. In fact, adult patients with ADHD have been found to be hugely susceptible to anxiety disorders, with half of all diagnosed adults suffering from some type of anxiety disorder as well as their original diagnosis of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. They are also more than doubly as likely to be diagnosed with depression, suffer from additional levels of stress, and have emotional problems than the general population. This can make it difficult for many adults with ADHD to hold down a job or attend work regularly. In order to make sure that treatments for such children and adults are as comprehensive as is possible, a cognitive assessment and psychoeducational evaluation should be conducted to determine the best accommodations that may be useful.

ADHD is not the only condition that could benefit from testing accommodations and other such educational accommodations. Dyslexia, too, can make a learning environment a daunting place to be if the proper accommodations are not made. Though many people are misinformed on this fact, those with dyslexia are not intellectually compromised in any way – they simply struggle with a processing disorder. Many highly intelligent people – such as Albert Einstein himself – have received the diagnosis of dyslexia, and when given the proper accommodations, can achieve great things. However, it is suspected that there are scores of dyslexia sufferers who go undiagnosed, often for the entirety of their lives. For the two million diagnosed dyslexia patients in the United States, it is estimated that there are at least forty million more who do not know that they have the condition. This is where a cognitive assessment is likely to prove helpful if trademark symptoms are noticed in any point in life.

A full neuropsych evaluation and the subsequent cognitive assessment is also recommended for those in whom autism is suspected. The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are typically noticed young, presenting by the time that the patient is around two years old. Seeking out a neuropsychological evaluation is important as soon as such symptoms become noticeable, as early intervention is often regarded as key to the prognosis and overall quality of life and ability to function of an autistic child.

From ADHD testing to dyslexia testing, it is important to have your child (or even yourself) assessed if you suspect there is a problem. It is better to be safe than sorry, and a cognitive assessment is often worthwhile even if nothing of note is discovered. This is because if there is a neurological problem, it is important to provide the correct treatment as soon as is feasibly possible. Along with this, academic accommodations can be implemented as well, making all the difference for many children. Academic accommodations allow children to work to their full potential, oftentimes giving them the tools that they need – and did not have access to before – to succeed in education and, as an extension, the world at large.

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