Why Medical Weight Loss Programs Are Preferable To Fad Diets

Doctor weight loss clinic

Weight loss isn’t just about maintain your appearance. A lot of people don’t necessarily begin a weight loss journey because they feel bad about themselves; in fact, that’s a common misconception. Many people feel comfortable with their bodies on a psychological level — and they shouldn’t. Nobody should feel ashamed of their appearance, and for many reasons, people shouldn’t begin a weight loss program just because they want to “look better”. If that’s the case, it can be easy for them to fall back into bad habits once they lose the weight, and quickly gain it back. Weight loss programs should be approach more with health in mind. The goal shouldn’t be for you to be a certain size or to have a certain “look”; in some cases, a weight loss goal may be impossible for an individual. Rather, they should aim to be healthier, at a weight that is right for their specific body type. Medical weight loss programs can help people achieve their goal weights with a healthy approach, often guided by medical professionals. You don’t want to lose weight too quickly, or through means that are unhealthy. Going to a weight loss center that focuses less on getting you into a certain size outfit and more on changing the way you live your daily life will help you lose weight in the way that people should. Below, we’ll look into the phenomenon of weight loss in America today, and how you might want to approach your weight loss journey.

When Do People Need To Lose Weight?

There isn’t a general weight at which everyone needs to start a weight loss program. Healthy and unhealthy weights vary from person to person, and can be best assessed by looking at a person’s BMI. BMI refers to Body Mass Index, and it calculates your ideal weight based on your height, among other things. Usually, doctors define “overweight” as a condition in which a person’s weight is 10% to 20% higher than “normal”. Usually, people with a BMI between 25 and 30 are classified as overweight. If you weigh at least 20% more than what would be classified as normal for your height, then you’ll be categorized as obese. You shouldn’t feel alone if you’re considered technically obese; in fact, one in three adults is considered obese today, and one in 20 adults is considered extremely obese. There are things you can do to lose weight while at the same time not drastically changing the way you approach life.

What Are The Benefits Of Medical Weight Loss Programs?

It’s much more advisable that you consider a medical weight loss program over a fad diet, for a number of reasons. A medical weight loss program often takes place at a clinic, and therefore you are supervised and helped along the way by professionals. For that matter, this type of weight loss program can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Rather than follow a general plan that may not be extreme enough for you — or alternatively may be too extreme — you’ll follow a program that will address what pertains to you. Often, weight loss centers are psychologically helpful too, as they put clients in supportive environments that help them change their mindsets, not just their diets.

What Are The Medical Benefits Of Losing Weight?

Losing weight and getting to a healthy weight can change your life in a major way. If you lose weight at a rate of about a pound a week, you lower your risk of gallstones. Even more importantly, losing 5% to 10% of your weight is proven to help lower your risk of heart diseases. Diabetes has long been connected to obesity, and therefore getting to a healthy weight not only lowers your risk of developing diabetes, but also puts you at less of a risk of dealing with the medical conditions that often come with diabetes, like heart complications and limb issues. Weight loss is about your mind and body; and losing weight at a medical center helps you address both.

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