There is nothing quite like dropping your youngest child off at preschool and hearing a mom talk about how sick her daughter has been and asking the teacher to call if the student complains at all. Seriously, you simply want to scream at this mom that she should keep her sick child at home. It is only preschool and attendance is not mandatory. You fear that four days from now you will be back at the closest urgent care looking for medications for your child who will certainly be the one in the class to catch any illness, virus, infection, or condition.
If your family has reached the point in the winter when you are sick of staying inside because of the cold, but scared to go to a local play space for fear of catching the latest germ, then you likely understand the issues that many parents are facing. As the cold and flu season continues with another few frigid days with sub zero temperatures in a record number of locations, there will be even more families who are stuck inside yet again. Without the advantage of outside fresh air, many of us succumb to the colds and other flu like conditions that are so notorious this time of the year.
Urgent Care Centers Offer Affordable, Convenient, and Reliable Care
Medical professionals across the country continue to look for ways to make sure that they are providing the health care that the nation needs in the best platforms. Options other than an expensive hospital room and a long wait at a family physician are needed as more and more Americans have access to insurance options through the Affordable Care Act.
As more patients are want to find a way to get the affordable care that they need, walk in health clinics are becoming more and more popular. In fact, the latest research indicates that the Urgent Care Association reported that during the fiscal year of 2016 U.S. urgent care centers reported an average of over 15,000 patient care visits. From xrays to strep tests to fly shots to school physicals, there are a number of ways that a growing number of walk in clinics can serve a number of needs. When you realize that U.S. urgent care centers handle an average of three patient care visits every hour and 50 visits per day, according to the Urgent Care Association, you understand that this is indeed a convenient health care platform.