I’m Trying To Lose Weight What Options Are Available To Me?


Are you struggling with your weight? Do mainstream diet regimens not seem to do the trick? You may want to consider signing up for ultherapy. Weight loss is a common issue in the United States, affect millions of Americans every year and causing many to turn to medical aid when conventional methods don’t yield noticeable results. A weight loss professional can better diagnose the root issue of why you’re not losing weight and keeping it off in the long-term, allowing you to spend less time fussing with products that don’t work and more time achieving a happier and more fulfilled you.

Am I Overweight?

Everyone has a different weight diagnosis — what works for one person may not work for you! Doctors generally define being overweight as an individual possessing a weight that is 10% to 20% higher than the medical standard. This is analyzed through a BMI chart, short for ‘body mass index’, and is considered a highly effective way of diagnosing individuals. Home health care is becoming a more popular route for people seeking out a higher quality of life and additional resources like ultherapy and clinical check-ups can help immensely.

Am I Obese?

Obesity, on the other hand, is a term used to denote an individual who is at least 20% or higher than what is considered a normal weight to height body ratio. More than two in three adults are considered to be either overweight or obese in the United States — this number is significantly higher in teen populations as well as older adults. Obesity can encourage the onset of debilitating conditions like high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, heart disease and diabetes.

Am I Postmenopausal?

There are multiple factors that can contribute to consistent weight gain. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, though this can vary depending on your unique condition. The year 1998 saw over 477 million postmenopausal women around the world — this number is expected to rise to one billion by the time 2025 rolls around. Common signs of menopause include, but are not limited to, hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, reduced sex drive and concentration issues. Consider hormone replacement therapy if you suspect uneven hormones could be contributing to a reduced quality of life.

Can Botox Help?

If conventional methods aren’t working, Botox (or coolsculpting) can prove a useful solution. Although a consistent exercise plan and diet regimen can shave off excess pounds, sagging skin and additional conditions can arise as a result. Over 82% of patients see an improvement within a week of Botox treatment. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (shortened to ASAPS) is the leading organization for plastic surgery — their recent 2014 survey saw non-surgical fat reduction procedures rising 43%.

Can Ultherapy Help?

More and more Americans are turning to ultherapy solutions to counteract wear and tear on their skin. Studies have shown three out of five people are bothered by sagging and wrinkly skin — according to a consumer survey by the American Society For Dermatologic Surgery, nearly 75% of people have considered a cosmetic procedure, such as ultherapy or Botox, to tighten up. Of the nearly 10 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2010, over 80% were minimally invasive and showed significant improvement in a matter of weeks. Whether it’s losing weight or improving your skin, your options have never been more plentiful for self-improvement.

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