Those suffering with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome understand the many disadvantages to the disorder. Those living with or caring for someone suffering with RSD or CRPS also understand the many struggles that come along with the disorder. The pain and sensitivity can often be very overwhelming. Fortunately, with advances in medical treatment today; the use of hyperbaric medicine has shown pain relief and is considered to be an effective treatment for these types of patients. There are many hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits to consider.
Hyperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the medical use of oxygen at a level that is higher than atmospheric pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits include pain relief and better breathing levels associated with the higher oxygen intakes. It can also help with sweating, muscle pains, skin colors and sensitivity to lighting and touch. RSD treatment includes oxygen chambers, exposing patients to additional levels of oxygen. A hyperbaric pressure chamber, which may be rigid or flexible construction, is a means of delivering 100% oxygen.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has proven itself to be a very viable option to treat reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). General treatment for RSD pain often includes risky surgical options, pharmaceuticals and physical therapy. These options may simply reduce symptoms, while not actually doing anything to assist with the treatment of the disorder. Many sufferers may not even find any benefits to these treatment options. Increasing oxygen levels has shown promise in repairing and increasing tissue and the many negative symptoms of the disorder.
Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy is an FDA-approved therapy and is available at numerous reputable locations. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy locations can be found by consulting with your medical doctor. The medical doctor who is familiar with your disorder and your specific situation should approve any type of hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits prior to use. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment centers can be physical locations or the treatment can be done in the comfort of your own home. Centers will provide hyperbaric oxygen treatment chambers. These chambers will increase the oxygen that your receive to 100%. If there are no treatment centers nearby your residence, a portable hyperbaric oxygen treatment chamber can be delivered to your home. A registered nurse or hyperbaric oxygen treatment professional will assist with the first few uses.
There are many hyperbaric oxygen treatment benefits available to those suffering with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or complex regional pain syndrome. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been approved by the FDA as an effective and successful treatment for many of the symptoms that are involved with this disorder. A medical professional who is familiar with your disorder and your symptoms can assist with deciding if hyperbaric oxygen treatment is right for you. They can also assist with finding a location to receive the treatment at.