Getting a cancer diagnosis can be a life altering event. In the case of cancer, the future can often seem uncertain and it is not unlikely for your choices to seem impossibly difficult to choose between and overwhelming. When it …
May, 2018

As The Ankle Turns: What To Do If You Sprain Your Ankle
If you’re playing a sport or walking on an uneven sidewalk, you might trip and hurt your ankle. If you have only mild pain, you want to try a sprained ankle quick recovery. According to Healthline, you should apply an …
How Hormone Replacement Is Used Today
As of right now, plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures are more popular in the United States than ever before. This is because people are looking to change how they look to potentially change how they feel. While some may view …
7 Signs Someone is Addicted to Narcotics
Throughout much of the United States, many people abuse opioids. In fact, statistics gathered in 2015 from the International Narcotics Control Board found that 99.7% of all hydrocodone consumption happened in the United States. Considering that, you might be wondering …
Am I an Addict? Signs that Often Go Unnoticed
You fell through a roof during repairs or you slipped and fell. However it happened, you were prescribed medication to deal with the pain. Since then, your wounds have healed but you’ve kept taking the pills. It might be because …
The Importance Of Clinical Trials For Medical Advancement
Clinical trials are hugely important, from phase 1 clinical trials to phase 4 clinical trials (typically the final phase in any typical clinical trial). After all, without clinical trials such as phase 1 clinical trials, we would be without many …
Major Emergency vs. Minor Emergency: What’s the Difference?
When you get injured or are feeling ill, it can sometimes be unclear if you need immediate medical attention or not. Oftentimes, people visit the emergency room and face high expenses when they could have easily been treated at an …
May, 2018

Prevent Wound Infection by Treating Your Sports Injuries Immediately
If you get a cut while playing sports, you may need to let a doctor check it. According to the National Health Service of the UK, if a cut is red and swollen, or there is pus coming from it, …
3 Signs You Might Need a Cane
Using a cane or a walking stick might seem like a crazy idea for some adults. But the reality is that 4.8 million Americans (70% of mobility device users) walk with a cane, making canes a commonly used mobility device …