Everyone talks about the importance of eating healthy food, but can you actually list what the benefits are? Eating healthy has a wide variety of benefits. Not only will you feel better and have more energy, but it can help prevent or control issues including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Here are three ways to make healthy food a larger part of your diet, without forcing yourself to gnaw on celery all day.
1. Healthy Methods of Cooking
Many people do not realize how easy it is to eat healthier just by making small changes to the way they cook. Instead of cooking your veggies in oil, try using water instead. A single tablespoon of olive oil has 119 calories, and it is 100% fat! Similarly, when baking sweets like brownies or cake, substitute apple sauce for oil. Not only is this healthier, but it gives you a moisture cake as well. Similarly, go easy on the salt and butter. If your food needs more flavor, turn to spices instead. They are healthy and can add quite a punch to your meal!
2. Healthy Cooking on a Budget
Produce is often more expensive than its canned or processed counterparts, making many people hesitant to try healthier cooking. The solution here is making good use of your freezer. Get fruits and veggies on sale and stock up when you can. Take advantage of local growing seasons, and make an effort to eat fresh produce before turning to processed snacks, so that less food ends up being lost to mold and mush. American families, on average, throw out an incredible 25% of the beverages and foods they buy.
3. Kids Eating Healthy Foods
Good dietary habits start young, so be a leader for your child in their daily health, and teach them positive eating habits. Great after school snacks for kids include bananas and peanut butter, raisins, and carrots and hummus. Cutting down on processed, sugary foods will also reduce the risk of cavity development, which is surprisingly high for children. 42% of kids aged 2 to 11 have cavities present. Healthy lunch ideas? Replace the candy, chips and cakes with granola, trail mix or yogurt.
What would you add about the importance of eating healthy food? Let us know in the comments!