Start Your Journey to a Healthy Life with Piyo Pilates

Piyo pilates

Why is the Piyo diet gaining so much popularity? In part, because it isn?t about dieting. It is about eating right to improve your overall health. The piyo diet plan, or eating plan as many prefer to call it, is about eating a well-balanced diet filled with a variety of healthy foods including fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and healthy fats.

You can get personal fitness coaching to help you through the process and to help you get active. Piyo Pilates is incorporated into the program to help people get exercise while building their core muscles. Fitness on the piyo plan is just as important as eating right.

According to the CDC, only 20% of adults are getting their recommended amount of physical exercise and muscle-strengthening activity. Adults simply are not physically active enough to stay healthy. There is strong scientific research supporting the claims that physical activity can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Piyo Pilates is a great form of exercise because it combines both the aerobic and anaerobic exercise your body needs. Piyo Pilates can also be done in short bursts throughout the day. Most people don?t have 45 minutes to an hour free each day to dedicate to exercise. However, they may be able to take 15 minutes three or four times a day to dedicate to exercise.

The British Medical Journal published a 2012 study that showed how eating healthy and getting regular exercise can literally extend a person?s life. Add to that the fact that according to the CDC, 75% of all healthcare spending is spent on treating diseases that are mostly diet-related and preventable.

The Piyo program has proven results. People on the program are learning to eat right and getting tips on ways to get active and avoid backsliding into bad eating habits. It is quickly becoming one of the top fitness programs in the country.

One of the many benefits of Piyo Pilates is that anyone can do. Pilates can be adjusted to your personal fitness level. The more fit you get, the farther you can push yourself, but even if you are just starting, you can start with Pilates. Piyo workouts are designed to get you moving and to gradually increase your activity level as you go. The entire Piyo program is focused on the health journey, opposed to simply losing weight.

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