It interesting to note that the first pair of eyeglasses came from Italy in 1286. Today, eyewear is typically supported by pads on the bridge of the nose and by temple arms placed over the ears. Although the popularity of …
It interesting to note that the first pair of eyeglasses came from Italy in 1286. Today, eyewear is typically supported by pads on the bridge of the nose and by temple arms placed over the ears. Although the popularity of …
Liposuction can provide the answer that many people desire when it comes to ridding their bodies of excess fat. Now the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States, liposuction involves the insertion of a thin straw via a …
Numbers from 2010 reveal the startling fact that more than one third of all Americans are overweight and suffer from obesity. They are potentially perfect candidates for weight loss diet aids since obesity is a medical condition that can create …
Offering customized massage therapy with professional massage therapists, our experts help reduce stress and ease tight muscles. And our experienced estheticians use specially formulated Murad products to
It’s 7 a.m. and you’re staring blankly into the fridge. The door and your mouth are agape as you try and muster a thought about what to put together for lunch. You’ve got to leave for work in a few …
If you often have back pain, you are certainly not alone in this complaint. It is the type of pain that is most commonly reported by patients. There may be back nerve pain symptoms that you have that can be …
One of the most depressing things about New Albany sleep apnea is the fact that millions of adults can have it and not even know it. The American Sleep Apnea Association says that 20 million adults are affected by this …
Doctors Express Englewood is a walk in urgent care clinic. Our
experienced onsite Doctors will treat virtually any non life threating symptom. Common areas of treatment include
Workers and families these days need to figure out the right strategy for lunch time. When you are at home, it is easy to prepare your own breakfast, and when you return home, dinner is also not a problem. It …
When you are going to work in an office every day, lunch is one of the times you will end up looking forward to. There is no denying it, it becomes one of the high lights of your day when …