Using a cane or a walking stick might seem like a crazy idea for some adults. But the reality is that 4.8 million Americans (70% of mobility device users) walk with a cane, making canes a commonly used mobility device …
Yes, You Need to Get Software to Manage Your Gym
If you are a current or hopeful gym owner, one thing you will need to look into is finding the perfect gym managing software. This software will help keep you organized on so many levels, from customer check-ins to memberships …
The Benefits Of Handicap Accessibility
Living with a disability can make the world sometimes (and sometimes often) difficult to navigate. Take for instance handicap bathroom requirements as one example. Not all bathrooms will meet handicap bathroom requirements, which can make something as simple as …
3 Common Reasons People Experience Hip Pain
Throughout our lives, we tend to put wear and tear on areas of our body. Unfortunately, this wear and tear can begin to cause certain areas of the body to experience pain. In some cases, this pain doesn’t go away …
The Facts On Clinic Care
When it comes to emergency rooms and urgent clinic care, people confuse these two services for one another. Some people falsely believe that emergency rooms are the place they go to for urgent issues and most people falsely believe that …
The Benefits Of Proton Therapy For Cancer Treatment

As any breast cancer doctor or patient can tell you, getting a cancer diagnosis is life changing. There are so many treatment options, so many potentials, that everything can seem very overwhelming. Your breast cancer doctor will give you your …
Medical Expertise and Family Support Help Many Cancer Patients Reach Their Goals

Life is a race.
Whether you are a professional athlete who trains on a daily basis or you are a patient learning to use the right kind of physical therapy equipment, there is always something to be said for supporting …
The Benefits of The New Statim 5000

Why You Need A Statim 5000 For Your Local Business
If you are someone (or know someone) who works in an industry requiring extra sanitation (i.e. a tattoo shop or a dental office) you have come to the right place.
Managing Hearing Loss As You Age
For many people in the United States, ear issues such as hearing loss and tinnitus, which is characterized by a persistent ringing in the ears, are all too familiar. These conditions and others like them can range from that of …
I Want To Volunteer For Medical Research Studies How Does A Clinical Trial Work?
You take painkillers to take a bite out of your headache. You use allergy medication to get through a shift. Thanks to today’s medicinal technology we have a lot of resources for handling all sorts of health problems.
Without clinical …