Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that impacts at least 18 million Americans. People who suffer from this sleep disorder have episodes, referred to as “apneas,” when they stop breathing for from a few seconds to a minute at …
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that impacts at least 18 million Americans. People who suffer from this sleep disorder have episodes, referred to as “apneas,” when they stop breathing for from a few seconds to a minute at …
Sleep apnea can put a huge burden on your quality-of-life. You wake up after a full night of sleep feeling like you did not sleep at all. You’re drowsy throughout the day. You startle yourself awake throughout the night. Your …
All across the United States men and women, young and old, suffer from sleep apnea. Over 18 million Americans suffer from the extremely frustrating and yet treatable condition.
What can be frustrating about sleep apnea is that it can go …