The benefits of a chiropractor can, quite literally, be felt all around America. Countless adults have found themselves in sore need of chiropractic care due to work-related injury, poor sleep patterns, hereditary illness and recent injuries. When low back pain and neck pain can affect your work schedule and make even daily tasks difficult, getting to the root of the problem will both mediate your pain and keep it from getting worse down the road. Not sure whether or not you qualify for an appointment? Let’s take a look at chiropractic benefits and how they help countless people across the country get back to their day-to-day lives with confidence.
Common Physical Conditions
Although there are many reasons to seek out chiropractic care, there are reoccurring issues that crop up with such frequency as to require their own specialty professions. Back pain is easily one of the most severe problems facing American adults today, with an estimated 31 million Americans experiencing low back pain at any given time. This can correlate with similar issues like stiff shoulders, neck pain and chronic headaches. With experts believing as much as 80% of the world’s population will experience a back problem at some point in their lives, chiropractic care isn’t going away any time soon!
Frequent Causes Of Back Pain
There are many ways to accrue chronic back pain. The most common are due to work-related stress — sedentary desk jobs can encourage stiffness and poor blood circulation due to limited activity, while incorrectly lifting heavy objects over a long period of time can cause neck pain and back pain. Doctors of Chiropractic (also known as DCs) are regularly utilized by all 32 National Football League teams due to the constant threat of back, shoulder and neck pain — they treat neuromusculoskeletal strain injuries such as whiplash, sprains and chronic pain.
Long-Term Effects Of Chronic Pain
While ignoring your pain or seeking over-the-counter treatments like heat pads and pain medication can seem helpful in the short-term, chronic pain can only be truly reversed with the aid of a chiropractic care professional. A survey found nearly 30% of American adults with lower back pain reporting limited activity due to their chronic pain — this can affect their working life and even the amount of time they can spend with their family and friends. Untreated conditions, when left alone long enough, can even require costly surgery down the road. If you think you might need a chiropractor for chronic pain, all you need to do is call your local physical therapy office and ask for their available openings.
Seeking Out Chiropractic Care
If you have trouble sleeping due to neck pain or aren’t able to lift heavy objects like you used to, it may be time to book a chiropractic care appointment and get the root of your problem properly attended to. If you’re worried about costs, lay your fears to rest — a recent study saw that treatment for low back pain initiated by a Doctor of Chiropractic will cost 20% less than when started by an MD. Expect to see your professional multiple times before your pain starts to ebb, with everything from physical therapy to lifestyle changes being used to treat your condition. Surgery may be required if the damage is severe enough. Next time you find yourself stretching to ease pain or reaching for that bottle of Tylenol, give your local chiropractic care center a call and see what they can do for you.