Your Guide to Your Local Walk-In Clinic

With the increase in local walk-in clinics, you may wonder when to use one. In their YouTube video, “Walk-in Clinic: What to Know,” the Today Show panel discussed the increase in these clinics. Dr. Peter Alexander proclaimed these clinics as “the new presence on the front lines of health care.”

Local Walk-In Clinic

Dr. Pete stated that some drug stores, such as CVS and Walgreens, have opened up walk-in clinics.

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These clinics are ideal for sprains, colds, and cuts. Other companies have begun building clinics, and including available shots, or other

Dr. Pete says people choose walk-in clinics because of convenience. He notes some clinics have their own pharmacy. Although this may seem convenient, you’re not obligated to use them. It’s best to get all your medications from the same pharmacy.

Your Clinic Visit

When you plan to visit a local walk in clinic, be sure to bring a list of your medications. After the visit, ask for a copy of the visit note. Give a copy of the visit note to your primary doctor.

Walk-in clinics are great, but Dr. Pete reminds the viewer they aren’t a substitute for a primary doctor. If you plan to go to a walk in clinic, be sure your problem is routine. Those with severe health problems should go to the emergency room.


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