Some medical conditions are instantly recognizable. We know that cancer is a serious condition, and we know to take conditions like pneumonia straight to the doctor’s. But there are some conditions that are difficult to face even when you know what they are. That could be because they’re newly recognized in the medical world; it could be because they’re simply mysterious and heavily dependent upon the individual patient. One of those conditions is RSD, which stands for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. RSD is a chronic pain condition, which means that it isn’t as easily treated as many other illnesses — but at the same time, it has a serious effect on a person’s life. Luckily, there is treatment for RSD pain available; but it may be more involved than some might imagine. Below, we’ll look into RSD treatment centers, and how you can make them work for you. Treating RSD isn’t just about a shot or a quick stay in the hospital. It’s an undertaking, and it must be taken seriously. But before you look into RSD treatment options, you should first look into making sure that you have RSD in the first place. This needs to be taken seriously — and if you do, you’ll be much more likely to have the results you need.
What Is RSD?
If you haven’t been diagnosed yet, there are some signs and symptoms that could indicate that you have RSD. Classified as a rare disorder by the United States Food and Drug Administration, RSD is a chronic-neuro inflammatory disorder. Though it’s officially rare, over 200,000 people suffer from RSD in the United States per year. Essentially, the cause of this condition is the nervous system and the immune system malfunctioning as they respond to tissue damage from trauma. This malfunction causes pain signals to constantly send to the brain. It’s rated as one of the most severe types of pain on the pain scale. Usually, an injury of some kind triggers RSD — it could be musculoskeletal injury, a nerve injury, surgery, or prolonged immobilization. It can take months for RSD to be diagnosed, and the earlier you’re diagnosed, the sooner people can find RSD treatment centers. So it’s important to be familiar with symptoms and signs. RSD pain is usually a deep, burning pain associated with skin sensitivity, aching, or a cold feeling. Think back if you’re experiencing this kind of pain following a recovery from an injury of some kind. Look for abnormal swelling in the affected area, as well as strange hair and nail growth and skin color or temperature changes. These symptoms can be off and on, but require a strict treatment regimen.
What Kind Of Options Will You Find In RSD Treatment Centers?
RSD treatment centers can offer a variety of different treatment options. One of the treatment options on the rise for this condition is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT, as it’s otherwise known, is recognized by the FDA as an approved therapy. It’s the medical use of oxygen at a higher level than the usual atmospheric pressure. The treatment involves stepping into a hyperbaric pressure chamber, which delivers 100% oxygen. Why do you do this? HBOT’s delivery of oxygen increases partial pressure of oxygen in the tissues of the body. It increases the oxygen transport capacity of the blood, thus sending oxygen throughout the body more effectively.
Is HBOT An Effective Therapy?
As mentioned before, HBOT is approved by the FDA. If you had any further doubts about its viability as a treatment option, know that it is also recognized by Medicare in the United States, and is reimbursable for 14 different conditions. Other conditions shown to have been successfully treated by HBOT include radiation necrosis, a condition based on bacterium that is transported through the bite of a tick. Lyme disease has also been treated through HBOT. It’s even been used to treat AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome. You shouldn’t have to put up with pain — and with treatments like these, you don’t.