There is no question that the hospital is not a particularly comfortable place to reside long term. You or a loved one might be required to spend many weeks in a hospital setting, following a medical procedure. Although you are usually well taken care of, you do not have the same comforts of home. You are also confined to one hospital room, with minimal movement throughout the rest of the hospital. However, in many cases, the patient remains at the hospital for the resources and added safety benefits. As you transition to your house, prepare for the comfort, but also remember these helpful home care resources.
Walking aids
It can be difficult to get back on your feet after a surgery, especially one that was considered to be major. Many physicians will recommend some amount of hospital recovery time, because bathrooms are located nearby and staff are available for medical care. If you are still getting back into being mobile and you are planning on transitioning to your house, it is important to invest in a quality walking aid. This walking aid will allow you to move from room to room, to the bathroom, and to the kitchen.
The specific type of walking aid that you choose will depend on your level of mobility assistance needed and the size and layout of your house. While a wheelchair might be ideal, it is not an option for those who have to use stairs. Approximately 16.4% of people using walking aids prefer canes, 11.6% of the elderlies use walkers, just over 6% takes assistance of wheelchair, and about 2.3% use scooters. It is possible to have multiple types of walking aids, for different environments and situations. Even with canes for elderly being the most prevalent walking assistive device, there are also many different types of walkers to choose from.
Sleeping materials
Hospital beds are state of the art, featuring many upgrades and helpful features, like cushioned bed pans. Although you are unlikely to have a hospital bed in your house, it can be helpful to have some medical sleeping materials. Cotton rolls are a great idea if your bed is lifted high off the ground and you are at risk of falling. Cushioned bed pans are beneficial for preventing messes caused by accidents. Cushioned bed pans are of higher quality than traditional bedpans for sale and more comfortable for sleep throughout the night.
Medication management system
Perhaps one of the biggest advantages to hospital stay is the routine medication management. The staff at hospitals have very detailed medication records. You can ensure that you will receive your medication in a timely manner. If you rely on many different medications, it can become confusing. If you are sent home with multiple medications that need to be taken at different times, consider setting up some type of a medication management system. The most common system is by pre organizing all medications at the beginning of the week. This is also a great way to remember if you took a certain timed dose.
If you still find it difficult to keep up with your medication, consider hiring an in home care service. Many in home care companies provide a variety of services, including medication management. With increasing numbers of medical conditions, it is always better to be safe. Just 9.3% of adults with diabetes have only diabetes. Other common conditions include arthritis, asthma, chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, and high blood pressure. With so many medical conditions, you also have to be careful about mixing medications. Having a detailed medication management system can prevent medication problems from occurring.
Seniors are often met with a variety of medical conditions. In fact, more than a quarter of all Americans and two out of every three older Americans have multiple chronic conditions, and treatment for this population accounts for 66% of the country?s health care budget. Many medical conditions require some type of a hospital stay, with the patient then moving home. Moving home requires a careful transition period and the accrual of specific home care items. Some of these items include cushioned bed pans, walking mobility devices, and a detailed medication management system.