It’s nearly impossible to find someone who doesn’t spend at least half of their day with a screen directly in front of their face or a cellphone at their ear. There are so many amazing innovations that have come into play during this technological revolution we have experienced over the last decade or so, but there are also some very dark problems that we’re just beginning to understand.
EMF dangers have been a health issue since we first had access to these electronics. We tried to master them and use this technology as safely as possible, but there are some issues that we are just now trying to correct. Some people have never even heard of EMF, which stands for electromagnetic fields, let alone some important things that could save their lives down the line: EMF shielding fabric, microwave shielding, cell phone radiation blockers, EMF protection jewelry and many more.
Unfortunately, with this new technology-dependent world and our lack of knowledge on the topic of radiation dangers, there are many myths that people believe to be true.
Only Long Cell Phone Conversations Produce Dangerous EMF
Not true. Bio effects can occur within the first few minutes of a cordless phone conversation. Your phone doesn’t have to be up to your ear for a long time to feel the effects. A safe prevention to this could be to purchase a cell phone radiation blocker or an EMF protection necklace.
Everyone is Aware of the Risks of EMF
Again, not true. In 2006, there were roughly two billion cell phone users and now there are over six billion cell phone users, and there is very little indication that they know any of the dangers associated with EMF.
Cell Phones Only Emit Radiation When They’re Being Used
Wrong. Wireless phones do emit radiation when you are not using them. They can produce EMF rays 24 hours a day. This knowledge is imperative so you can plan your home protection from EMF.
You’re in the Clear if Your Phone is At Least an Inch Away
False. The majority of cordless phone users do keep their phones at that distance, but many scientists believe that your phones needs to be more than an inch away.
No one is 100% sure on the correct distance you should keep your phone, how dangerous it is to leave your phone all day, and a lot of these other dangers. So it’s good to think about ways to block EMF with things like a cell phone radiation blocker or an EMF room shield.