It is absolutely important that people are aware of how essential using iodine as a health supplement is for daily life. Unfortunately, many Americans are deficient in iodine and so many countries as a whole are deficient in iodine. This is dangerous because there are real stats and data that point to the important health benefits of iodine!
Iodine supplement benefits are going to come in the form of just being happy. Mineral nutrients and iodine are important to a person’s overall health. Thus, iodine uses are plentiful and should be emphasized. By the year 2024, projections put the global market for Iodine at nearly 44 thousand metric tons by the aforementioned year.
Normal dietary iodine intake is 100-150 mcg/day. Make sure that you are monitoring yourself and your health in terms of what you take in on a daily basis. If you do not know what does iodine do then read below for more information:
Avoid Being Deficient In Iodine
Dr. B.A. Eskin is a doctor that has worked on cancer and has published plenty of work. As a matter of fact, Dr. B.A. Eskin has published more than 80 papers over the span of a 30 year period. These papers managed to reveal that iodine deficiency was linked with an increased risk of both breast and thyroid cancer. Thus, being deficient in iodine is incredibly dangers to anyone and everyone!
Iodine levels have decreased by 50 percent in the past three decades. It is very important that parents stress the nutritional value of iodine to their children. That way, as they move on into adulthood they will be serious about their iodine intake and can avoid being deficient in iodine!
There Are Countries Deficient In Iodine
The WHO states that 72% of the population worldwide has an iodine deficiency. First of all, it is important to know that there are certain portions of the world that does not have access to any drinking water. Thus, there are plenty of areas on the planet where people are unfortunately not getting their proper nutritional value! Make sure that the people you know are getting their proper intake for iodine.
Worldwide, iodine deficiency remains a public health problem in 47 countries, and about 2.2 billion people, 38% of the world’s population, live in areas with iodine deficiency. These people will be more likely to develop conditions such as thyroid cancer, for instance. People must make sure they receive the proper iodine intake every single day. That way, they can fight against these kinds of dangerous conditions.
One of the easiest ways to up your iodine intake involves the type of salt that you buy. Now, there are plenty of brands working to create iodine salt. That way, people can use salt to up their iodine intake on a daily basis. Understand that more than 70 countries throughout the world add iodine to their salt to try to prevent deficiencies
In Conclusion
If people across the world continue to be deficient in iodine then we could be in serious trouble. Luckily enough, globally, 86% of the population has access to iodized salt. This is a great way to get iodine into your system and to enjoy the health benefits that come along with this!