It is obvious that you and your family are doing everything possible to stay healthy. However, sometimes, the precautions you take aren’t enough to ensure you are medical fit. That’s where urgent care centers come in. Illnesses, accidents, and injuries can occur anytime, no wonder it is important that you seek an immediate medical solution. However, seeking medical attention from some of the health care facilities is often a frustrating process that sometimes demands you to book an appointment and waiting for long period to be attended to. That is why most people prefer receiving urgent care services, which delivers timely and quality health care.
Typically, hospital emergency rooms also known as ER have somewhat complex and long procedure in acquiring health care services. From even the simplest medical cases such as headaches, minor injuries, sore throat to the most basic medical assessment and evaluations, every step is at slow speed. This has resulted in growth and increased interest in urgent care services, especially for people who need immediate medical attention.
While these facilities do not offer the same exact heath care service, below are healthcare services you can expect to get from your local urgent care center.
Common Cold, Flu and Fevers
You don’t have to book an appointment to receive cold and flu treatment anymore. By just visiting an urgent care clinic, a physician can have a look at you, conduct some few test and prescribe medication within no time. While common cold is usually less severe, it can worsen into something more serious without proper care. That’s why it’s advisable you seek immediate care in case you start to experience symptoms of cold or flu. The good thing is that you can access urgent care services 7 days a week, while other centers operating even on holidays.
Sprains and Strains
Sprains are on of the most common injuries treated in urgent care facilities. They are often caused when people accidentally fall and twist the muscle that holds two joints together, which is known as the ligament. Urgent care centers will deliver timely examination to this condition, and establish the right course of treatment for you. These facilities are also known to provide urgent care services for both pediatric and adult fractures, regardless of the cause. In fact, four out of five urgent care centers provide fracture care. Depending on the nature of your sprain injury, you’d want to seek immediate medical attention to that ensure proper healing.
Medical Evaluations
If you require medical assessment, urgent care center can help you with that. They may conduct several tests, examinations, and analysis you, your family or your employees. Apart from conducting medical evaluations, these centers also take part in determining the eligibility for employment, remuneration, or physical activity participation for individuals.
Lab Testing Services
When it comes to lab testing services such as urinalysis, blood glucose level, electrolytes, pregnancy among others. You’ll need a facility that assures you of convenience and that’s what urgent care centers deliver. From these centers, you can acquire a number of in-house lab services and have your results ready within a short time. In addition, these laboratories urgent care services are relatively cheap as compared to same services in other hospital labs.
The idea of urgent care services is to speed up health care service delivery while maintaining convenient services. It’s a health care option that balances your busy life schedule and the need to lead a healthy life.