Fitness equipment is beneficial to everyone, no matter where you use it. There is no need to purchase an entire gym full of equipment for your basement just to make sure that you meet physician recommendations for weekly activity levels. Without buying an expensive treadmill or weight machine, consider some options as to exercising in an affordable manner.
Exercise Equipment at Home
While fitness equipment of all sorts is an option to exercise at home, there are some very affordable options that can help you keep from over-extending your budget. Home fitness equipment may include any of the following:
Plastic step
Barbells or free weights
Exercise videos
Resistance bands
Yoga Mat
Home Fitness
In addition to these items that can be purchased in any fitness store, there are many exercise options that can be completed during your daily home or work schedule. With physicians placing importance upon 30 minutes of moderate activity completed three days each week, there is much you can do to fulfill roughly 2.5 hours of exercise each week. Even if you have a hectic work week, you can walk up and down the stairs between meetings or into the office in the morning. Take a couple of extra trips up and down the stairs at home when you are doing laundry or other chores.
Additional Fitness Options
While joining a gym and using the latest and greatest fitness equipment is an easy option, it is understandable that not everyone may be able to afford some of those expensive gym memberships. Sometimes there are local fitness classes as well that are fun and social while also incredibly helpful for your specific health needs. Therefore, a walk around the block is free and can fill that 30 minutes any time. Also, if you take the bus or other public transportation to work, rather than park and ride you can walk to your stop.
If you have a great deal of money to spend at the sports store, then that weight machine, treadmill, elliptical, and a stationary bike can all be purchased to build your home gym. In many areas of the country, there are now more affordable gyms that are even open 24 hours a day, helping to work with everyone’s work and home schedule so that you can stop in at the times that best fit you. So, whether you shop the sports store for your gym equipment, attend fitness classes, go to the gym on your own time, or find a free workout option, you know there is always a choice to get that workout time to keep you healthy and well.