No weight loss journey is easy, but when you’ve exhausted all other options and you’re still struggling, bariatric surgery may be the next step. Approximately 50% of Americans report being unsuccessful with weight loss due to a lack of discipline, but what about the other half of the population?
In truth, a medical issue could be preventing weight loss, or another condition that may require more severe solutions. And one of those solutions may be Lap Band surgery. If you’ve in this boat, here are some lap band answers you may have been looking for.
How does a Lap Band work?
Lap band surgery works by constricting your stomach to help you avoid over-eating. This is done by placing a silicone band around the stomach. Although this procedure makes it easier to control portions, it has no effect on a patient’s daily calorie or nutrition needs. If a patient does eat too much, they’ll be met with feelings of nausea and may even vomit. These negative experiences may help patients curb their appetite and lose weight.
Will a Lap Band procedure help keep weight off?
The vast majority of weight loss in these cases occurs within the first year of having a Lap Band in place. If you’re concerned about the results varying with a Lap Band, you may want to look into different surgical options such as gastrectomy, gastric balloons, or even gastric bypass surgery.
Can Lap Band procedures be dangerous?
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. These risks vary from patient to patient, and they can be operating risks or even dangerous side effects that occur after the procedure is over. As with any procedure, it’s extremely important that you take extensive measures beforehand to determine whether or not a Lap Band is the right option for you.
Unfortunately, we can’t answer all of your questions about Lap Band procedures in this post. But if you have any additional questions or want to consider a Lap Band, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to provide you with all of the accurate information you need to start the next chapter of your weight loss journey.