Menopause is not a fun time of life, which seems to be the female body’s natural way of being from menstrual cycles to pregnancy and child birth to menopause. However, women are strong and can get through it. The best way to survive menopause it to recognize it as soon as the first stages of menopause show up. On the other hand, you don’t want to live your life expecting it to rear it’s ugly head at any second. While menopause could be what causes pelvic pain intermittently for you, it could also be something else that your doctor would be able to determine. Similarly, it could be one of the causes of infertility in women, but again, don’t assume without a real diagnosis from your doctor. Womens health should be taken seriously and not underestimated.
Menopause can be different for everyone. Generally speaking, the average age to begin it is 51, but some women go through it in their 30s and others can wait until their 60s. Some women have an awful time with terrible symptoms and complications and others sail through without any unpleasantness at all. Don’t compare yourself to some one else’s because everyone’s experience is different and unique.
Some similarities do exist. For example, 90% of women do through what’s called perimenopause. This is a time of unpredictable menstrual cycles and happens before menopause. Perimenopause can last for up to four years. Also, woman who have suffered from depression their whole lives or major financial difficulties can experience early menopause.
The symptoms that women experience during the first stages of menopause are usually because of a lower production of estrogen and progesterone and that is why symptoms vary so much; these hormones affect women differently.
Here are some of the signs of the first stages of menopause that a woman may experience:
- Irregularity in the menstrual cycle
You might bleed more or less than you used to and spotting is not uncommon. The length of the period may change also; shorter or longer. - Hot flashes
A sudden feeling of heat can come over you even if no one else is feeling warm. It can make you feel sweaty, flushed and even anxious at times. Hot flashes can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes and then they go away. - Vaginal dryness
Because you are not producing as much estrogen and progesterone, this can change the layer of moisture coating your vaginal wall. Unfortunately, this can make intercourse quite painful and a water based lubricant or moisturizer may be necessary. - Insomnia
During menopause it might be difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep even when you are feeling tired. Exercise and activity can help the body to sleep better at night time as well as any relaxation techniques you might enjoy such as reading, bathing to listening to music. - More frequent urination
You may find that you need to urinate more often during menopause and may even be slightly incontinent. Kegal exercises can help to regain the strength in the pelvic muscles. - Urinary tract infections
You may become more susceptible to UTIs during this time but antibiotics from your doctor can quickly cure one if you do get a UTI. - Decrease is sex drive
If you feel less in the mood, don’t worry, it’s completely normal. If you choose to, there are treatments available over the counter to help boost libido. - Depression or mood swings
Because of the hormonal changes your body is experiencing, it is common to feel emotionally unstable during menopause resulting in depressing or extreme mood swings. - Changes in skin and hair
When we age, we experience changes in our hair, skin and nails anyway and menopause does not help this. Biotin is a good nutrient to take during this time and avoid harsh chemicals like hair dyes and artificial nails which can cause more damage than necessary.
While there are menopause solutions available for the first stages of menopause, many women choose to tough it out. Generally speaking, if a woman has not had a period in 12 months, they are considered post menopausal and at this point, symptoms will often being to subside. If you do choose to try a menopause treatment, speak with your doctor before buying anything over the counter. The wrong treatment could end up causing you more unpleasantness than necessary.